sk de eng







Cooperation in the field of theater and film production.


In the case of joint cooperation in the field of theater, film or other artistic production, we can provide you with our theater costumes and props, various decorative fabrics, floral decorations, vases, furs, ceramic and tin goblets, wigs, medieval musical instruments, costume jewelry, paintings, marionettes and more.

We also have 6K cameras, a PC editing room, Laptop, digital projector, projection screen, lighting equipment and more.

Our experience.

movement techniques and mimicry
on stage and in front of the camera
pantomime workshops theme - dramaturgy - direction period costumes and props
camera filming, editing and post-production
work VFX - production of 3D visual effects for new projects modern digital backdrops for theater performances
production of puppets and accessories
painting - contemporary art - oil, watercolor, acrylic
giclée print of your paintings - scan, print, presentation on the web posters, brochures

Our work is focused only on artistic originality



foto: Richard Turan

E-mail: Copyright © Rubion oz